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Anbieterprofil ComponentOne Europe Ltd.
ComponentOne Europe Ltd.
ComponentOne is the premier provider of a diverse set of .NET, ASP.NET, Mobile and COM components.
Company Info and Awards
ComponentOne has a history of leadership in the Microsoft Visual Studio component industry. ComponentOne is the premier provider of the widest range of tools and solutions for Microsoft Windows, Web-based, and Mobile application developers, Help authors who write and develop Help systems, and support centers who utilize Web and e-mail self-service solutions. These tools are distributed and used worldwide. ComponentOne has received numerous industry and user accolades including awards from Info World, PC Magazine, Programmer's Paradise, Software Development Magazine, SDTimes, Vbxtras, and Visual Studio Magazine.NET Developer Journal, Society for Technical Communication, and Visual Systems Journal.
Product Info
Studio Enterprise is the world's most complete component suite for developing all layers of Windows, Web and Mobile applications. From highly interactive ASP.NET AJAX-enabled Web interfaces to innovative enterprise-level .NET Windows Forms applications, Studio Enterprise delivers exactly what you need to deliver the rich experiences your users demand. Now you can add the most sophisticated and advanced feature sets and functionality to your applications with less code and in less time than ever before.
Doc-To-Help Enterprise
Whether you are converting from RoboHelp or creating new projects, Doc-To-Help empowers authors to create HTML or Microsoft Word content and convert it to virtually every popular Help file format (including browser-based, platform independent Help) or printed documentation.
Doc-To-Help's unmatched flexibility allows you to define Help elements, such as topic links, conditional text and glossary terms in the editor of your choice. Integrated toolbars and dialogs in Microsoft Word, FrontPage and Macromedia Dreamweaver allow you to visually create Help systems in the most powerful editors available while D2HML (Doc-To-Help Markup Language) allows you to use any editor you wish.